• Time : Monday-Friday : 9:30am-6:00pm
  • Phone : 9029977403, 7021873932
  • Address : Mumbai | Pune
Environment Clearance (EC) & EIA

The Ministry of Environment and Forest has made it mandatory to obtain Environmental Clearances for Construction projects having covered built-up area (FSI + Non FSI) greater than 20,000 sq. m. Environment clearance is necessary for a few categories of construction projects and area development projects under the 14th Sept 2006, EIA Notification, Environmental Clearance is the procedure to get clearance from the government for the New, Modification (amendment) and Expansion of certain projects.
Ace Environment provide our expert services to obtain Environment Clearance for 8(a) Building & Construction project & 8(b) Townships and Area Development projects in Maharashtra Region.

Consent to Establish & Consent to Operate (CTE/CTO)

Consent to Establish is to be obtained prior to establishing any Construction / Infrastructure / Industrial project. Once the project is established along the required pollution control systems, the industry is required to obtain consent to operate for the project. The process for obtaining consent to establish / operate involves making an application in a prescribed format to respective State Pollution Control Board along with required documents and scrutiny fees

Environment Monitoring

We provide all necessary environmental sampling and testing services for Construction, Infrastructure and Industrial Clients in association with MoEF / NABL accredited laboratories and provide reports. It consists of following services:

  • Ambient Air Monitoring
  • Ambient Noise Monitoring
  • Drinking Water Analysis
  • Ground Water Analysis
  • Soil Sample Analysis
  • STP Inlet & Outlet Sample Analysis
  • ETP Inlet & Outlet Sample Analysis
  • STP / ETP Sludge Analysis
  • Compost Manure Analysis
Coastal Regulation Zone Clearance (CRZ)

The area between High Tide Line (HTL) and Low Tide Line (LTL) and area up to 500 meters towards landward side from HTL have been notified as Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) through CRZ notification dated Jan 1991 under E(P) Act 1986.
Before starting the establishment of any activities in the CRZ needs permission from concerned authority. I.e., either from the Department of Forest and Environment of concerned state or from Ministry of Environment and Forest of Central Govt. of India depending upon the investment.
We assist our clients in preparing application, conducting necessary studies and presentation at the CRZ committee for obtaining necessary clearance.

Post Environment Clearance Compliance

To make the Environmental Clearance process and compliance more effective, the Ministry of Environment and Forests in India is undertaking the submission of Post Environment Clearance Monitoring Reports in every six months for a period of 7 years from the grant of EC.

ACE Environment with its expertise team assist you and monitor your half yearly compliance as per EC Condition and submit its report to the Ministry.

Form-V Environment Statement

Ace Environment also provide support and assistance to clients for obtaining miscellaneous permissions, NOC’s, Authorizations from MPCB related to Water, Waste water, Municipal Waste, Hazardous Waste, Plastic Waste, E-Waste, Biomedical Waste Etc.

  • Lesioning Services
  • Turnkey projects of ETP & STP
  • Organic Waste Processor (OWP)
  • ECBC (Energy Conservation Building Code)
  • MEP (Mechanical, electrical and plumbing)
  • Landscape
  • Traffic & Human Evacuation
  • Shadow & Light Ventilation
  • Air Dispersion Modeling
  • Carbon Foot Print
  • Ecological foot print
  • Gate Mass Balance
  • Manure Sample Analysis